
8 Reasons Why You Need a Coach

Some very good reasons why you need a Coach

Are you thinking to yourself “perhaps I need a coach”, or perhaps your friends are saying “you could really make progress if you got a coach”? 

Here’s just some great reasons for finding a coach to work with you

You’re stuck in your career

You’re at a crossroads or confused about how to find your next role?

You feel directionless? No purpose?

You want to bridge the gap between where you are now and where you’d like to be – you’d like to feel more of a sense of purpose

Not making progress in life or work?

You want to stop procrastinating – you’re fed up of not making progress with anything

Low on time and energy?

Your time and energy aren’t being respected and you need help to create stronger boundaries

You have conflicts with people? 

You have crucial issues or conflicts with people and situations that you’d like to address

Low confidence?

You need to improve your confidence and your sense of self-worth.


You’re feeling massively overwhelmed and really would like to get some control in your life

Business struggling? 

You need help with your business, setting realistic goals, achievable plans and making progress.


Are you curious about what a coach can do for you? If yes, then this series of articles is written just for you.
*At The Coach Directory, when we refer to coaches, we do mean trained, qualified and insured to practice the profession of coaching. Most of our coaches are also accredited with a known and reputable Coaching Association, such as the ICF, EMCC etc. Check the profile of each coach for details of their certification.

Written by: Steph Durbin-Wood, Executive Coach 


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