What Are The 5 Steps To A Coaching Session
The five steps to a coaching session can vary depending on the coaching model or approach used. However, we can provide you with a general framework that is commonly followed in coaching sessions.
4 ways to beat the odds and achieve success and fulfilment in 2024 (and beyond) By Christina Gillett
Daniel Kahneman (author of Thinking, Fast and Slow), says that our success is mostly about luck. If this is true, how do we stay motivated towards our goals? (Click here for the full blog post) We are a few weeks into January, and if you are already doubtful about the likelihood of hitting your goals […]
All about Imposter Syndrome
Have you ever felt like a fraud? Like you don’t deserve the credit you’re being given for an achievement, or do you ever have a sense of “being found out”? Do you feel like the odd one out in a meeting? Imposter Syndrome is often felt by high-achieving individuals in a position of success. This […]
It’s All About the Trees – Creative Coaching
Most trees have seen more than we would ever see in two lifetimes, so really we have a lot to learn from them. But, we’re not so un-similar, if we stop and think about it, we can identify ourselves with each aspect of a tree, like its roots for example. So, what makes trees so […]
Ways to be more Mindful
Following on from our recent blog The Importance of Well-being, here we’ll touch on Mindfulness. It’s easy to race through life, the days go fast, and they only seem to go faster the older we get. Have you ever thought about why they go faster as we get older? Because we fill our days with […]
What causes Procrastination?
Procrastination is the delaying of an action causing a gap between when you intend to do something and when you actually do it. We’ve all been there, said we’d do something, looked at it and not necessarily said NO, but have turned around and started doing something else or put it off. It’s normal, everyone […]
Can you afford NOT to engage a Divorce Coach? By Paula Crowhurst
In this article, I shall take you through the factors that will help you to determine how much you value your mental well-being. If a car breaks down, without hesitation, we take it to a reputable garage to be fixed. So why is it that if WE ‘break down’, we’re afraid to ask for help, […]
Am I a People Pleaser?
Sometimes we define our self-worth on whether we are liked by those around us, this is because you may have an extreme need to be liked and need that ‘fitting in’ feeling – also called a ‘need to please’. If you are a people pleaser, you might find yourself concentrating on what other people think, […]
What is Empathy?
From a coaching point of view, empathy from a coach can help their clients think clearer or deeper about their own motivations, wishes and feelings, prompting them to share this with you. This is ultimately what we want in this coach/client relationship, as it can encourage self-change and awareness. What are the 3 types of […]
Getting Started – Find a Coach
Where and how do you start to find a Coach? OK, so you’ve decided that finding a coach is a good idea? Perhaps others close to you have recommended that you find one? You’ve made your mind up, so how do you go about finding one? There are a lot of qualities to look for […]
Use The Coach Directory to find a trusted Coach
If you’re looking for a Coach, perhaps you don’t know where to start? The first thing we want you to know is that all our coaches are screened & validated by us. Our Coaches trust our vetting process, and you can trust us that before we publish any Coach on our website that they are […]
Coaching and Contracting
5 things you and your Coach can contract on. OK, we don’t necessarily mean the “legal” contract that you might have with your Coach, which might describe the financial transaction – although that might exist too. What we are talking about is a different type of contracting – the contract between 2 human beings – […]