
What do I need to prepare before signing up?

We have prepared the checklist below, you will need all of this at the time of signing up to ensure your profile is approved.

Coach Name

This is how you want to appear in our search, on public search engines and on social media when we share your profile.
It can be your name, with or without your qualification letters, or it can be your business name, it's up to you.

Personal Image (headshot)

This should be a high-quality image, ideally AT LEAST 500px wide and 500px tall.
Your profile will not look good without these specifications. Reach out to us at [email protected] for help.

Tagline or Short Description

This is a one-line description or tagline for your business. It should not be more than 40 words. This short description is used for your Google search, so ideally you should include your target keywords such as "Innovative Business Coach serving startup businesses in the North West of England. Our offices are in Manchester City Centre"

Description of you and your business

This description is your chance to explain who you are and what you do. Depending on the package you choose, the length of this description will vary between 200 or 1000 words.


If you have a logo for your business, this is the place to upload it. It must be in a JPG or PNG file type and at least 500px on the shortest side.
If you don't have a logo, don't upload one, it's optional.

Coaching Category/Type

You get to choose ONE primary coaching category. This is the category for which you will appear in our search and be highlighted in the most Google searches for.

Other Coaching Types

Do you offer other types of coaching? We will display these on your profile, improving SEO. Be careful though, too many will negatively impact the trust factor of your profile.
If your preferred type is missing, email [email protected] and we might be able to add it for you (subject to quality assurance process).

Other Images

You can upload more than one image to create an image gallery on your profile or for us to use in marketing and throughout the site.
This should only be photos of you, not any buildings or logos etc.

Admin Contact Information

This is your contact info for the coach Directory team, it will not be displayed publicly. The only piece of information we use is your address to display a location on our map search.

Public Contact Information

This is how we display links to your social media profiles, website, contact information etc.
All information is optional, but you should consider having all displaying for the most client opportunities.
ALL links should be in URL format, so must include https://LINKHERE
If this is a problem for you, email [email protected] for assistance.

Certifications & Memberships

In this section you will be asked which professional bodies you are a member of. You must be a current member in good standing and be able to prove this by uploading a PDf or JPG of your certificates. We will only display the bodies that you provide proof of membership for.
The minimum we ask for is a proof of Qualifications, Memberships and Insurance. If you have any problems, email [email protected] for assistance.

Payment Information

You will have to provide payment information for your plan. This is invoiced and billed as a subscription annually and can be paid via Debit, Credit or Paypal. The system will ask for your name and address again, this is required by law from the payment processors.
Our processing is fully secure and encrypted end to end, we are not able to view your payment information, EVER.
If paying immediately online is not an option for you, email [email protected] for assistance, depending on your situation, we may be able to invoice and accept other payment methods.