
Julie Starr, 4th edition, 2016

The definitive guide to the process, principles and skills of personal coaching

Contents List

  1. Introduction
  2. Collaborative Coaching
  3. Coaching principles or beliefs
  4. Fundamental skills of coaching
  5. Barriers to coaching
  6. Coaching conversations: the coaching path
  7. Coaching assignment: structure and process
  8. Emotional maturity and coaching
  9. Become a coach
  10. Consolidate your learning


Appendices: Toolkit

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Book Information


Author: Julie Starr

Formats: Paperback; Kindle

Publisher: Pearson Business; 

Pages: 368

Language: English

Edition: 4th

Published Date: 20tbJanuary 2016

ISBN-10: 1292084979

ISBN-13: 978-1292084978

Dimensions15.6 x 2.11 x 23.39 cm


Just as it says on the cover – this truly is a definitive guide, for new and experienced coaches, now in it’s 5th edition (we’re reviewing the 4th edition here). It has been translated into many languages and is on the recommended reading list of many of the best training schools. This edition saw the addition of the toolkit – an invaluable resource for all coaches, and this addition makes this a truly trusted and useful reference book. 

Julie includes guidance, principles, questions, checklists and much more. She also generously provides access to to a range of free to download resources at her website www.starrconsulting.co.uk

A definite excellent addition to your expanding coaching bookshelf!

Chapter by Chapter Review

Chapter 1 – Introduction

Julie gives a great introduction to her book, talks about the background and success of the book. In the introduction, Julie states that she has made this 4th edition manual more versatile by offering the Toolkit – I agree it certainly is a great resource towards the back of the book. 

The book encourages us all to use the collaborative coaching style, and in the introduction, she describes this beautifully – explaining that the coach and the person being coached work together to create change. 

In this Introduction chapter Julie describes clearly how the book works with clarity explanations about how she’s included throughout the book:

  • Testing Questions
  • Checklists
  • Story Teller
  • Exercise
  • Hints and Tips
  • Coach’s Toolkit


There then follows a great chapter headed What is Coaching, which Julie describes as “An effective coaching conversation influences someone’s understanding. learning, behaviour and progress”

At the end of every chapter, including the introduction is very useful In a nutshell box, capturing the essence and essential takeaways from each chapter.

Chapter 2 – Collaborative Coaching

In this chapter, Julie defines what she means by Collaborative coaching where, for the person being coached, the relationship feels like a partnership of equals, rather than anything parental or advisory.

“It’s often more effective to help someone gain their own insights into a situation than it is to tell them what they should think or do”

There then follows in this chapter a very clear breakdown of the differences between directive and less directive coaching styles, with conversation examples to demonstrate the point, and a breakdown of the advantages and disadvantages of each type. 

This is followed by a useful section about the differences between an effective coach and a less effective one – a great self-audit opportunity for the more self-reflective coaches, or perhaps a conversation for a supervision session? 

Chapter 3 – Coaching principles or beliefs 

Review coming soon

Chapter 4 – Fundamental skills of coaching

Review coming soon

Chapter 5 – Barriers to coaching

Review coming soon

Chapter 6 – Coaching conversations: the coaching path

Review coming soon

Chapter 7 – Coaching assignment: structure and process 

Review coming soon

Chapter 8 – Emotional maturity and coaching

Review coming soon

Chapter 9 – Become a coach

Review coming soon

Chapter 10 – Consolidate your learning

Review coming soon

Appendices: Toolkit

Review coming soon


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